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The end

So, it turns out there will be no showcase this trimester, the projects will be evaluated and the best project will go through to the...

Animation & Spatial Partitioning

One of the main things that I started working on this week was Spatial partitioning, but what is method? There are many objects and...

What is Flocking?

What is Flocking? Flocking is a type of steering behavior, for those who don’t know, a steering behavior is a technique used to make AI...

Things are slowing down

Sadly, things are turning out like last trimester. During last trimester there was another programmer in my group which ended up not...

A* Pathfinding

What is A* Pathfinding? A* pathfinding is an algorithm which allows the AI to find the shortest path to the target position, even if...


I decided to take a break from doing weekly updates on the game in the form of blog posts, it can get repetitive and in the end, I am not...

Physics Mat & Jumping

This week was relatively slow, I spent the majority of it doing documentation, talking with the audio collaborators, figuring out the...

So, we changed the camera angle again.

To this point (16/03/19 – Beginning of week 5) we have changed the camera angle and respectively the controls at least 5 times. Most of...

The dawning of the master list

Breaking down weekly sprints is incredibly difficult when you have no idea what needs to be finished for the project to be considered a...

Chernobyl disaster

Through research we stumbled upon the “Chernobyl disaster” which was a great tragedy that occurred in 1986. The Chernobyl nuclear power...

And so, It begins anew.

After the journey of Studio 1, we have learned significant amount from the mistakes and tribulations we endured (Programing AI is...


Showcase. In the beginning of the trimester we get told that we will be showcasing our project to the public in week 13, most of us have...

Next week...?!

The week leading up to showcase was a pain, but also incredibly fun. Throughout my experience in this trimester and project I have...

3DS Max

You know, maybe 3D modeling is my true calling. I spent three hours learning the basics of 3DS Max. The ended up spending two days just...

Simple updates

The technical document is perfect! Kinda… I wrote most of the technical documentation and I tasked the class diagram to the other...

Steering Behaviors & Meetings

Steering behaviors are a magical thing, truly magical. I simply had no idea that you could make a character actually move smoothly and...

Fleshing out the idea

This was the week that the entire team fell into a rhythm…Kind of. In the beginning of the week we faced a major issue which relates to...

Data Structures & Behavior Trees

This week we started learning about the structure of behavior trees, how they work and how they can be implemented into our code base....

Starts coming together

This week was probably the most exciting week that our little homebrew studio had faced so far. Our graphic design collaborator was able...

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